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Celebrating James Joyce's Ulysses

100th Anniversary of the Publication 

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臺師大 歐洲文化與觀光研究所

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臺師大 歐洲文化與觀光研究所

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臺大 外國語文學研究所

Anchor 1

“Calypso”: A Short Film 

《卡利普索》: 短片

Students from NTNU Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism

王子行、陳宣而、鄧宇淵、董妮軒  (臺師大歐洲文化與觀光研究所)

本片節選自Ulysses第四章——Calypso。我們對Bloom和Molly在早餐時的場景進行改編,將Bloom和Molly兩人對待感情的想法,以心聲的方式呈現出來。白色衣服的演員代表現實中的Bloom和Molly,黑色衣服則代表內心世界的兩人。這是一段關於夫妻內心的小劇場,我們試圖傳達的重點是 No judgement,感情不在乎道德,不分是非對錯,只在乎感情中的兩人。

This excerpt is taken from the fourth chapter of Ulysses - “Calypso". We adapted Bloom and Molly's breakfast scene and presented their's reflections on their relationship in a heart-to-heart conversation. The actors in white represent Bloom and Molly in reality, while the actors in black symbolize the two's inner world. This is a small production about the inner voices of the couple. In an attempt to show the importance of sitting in no moral judgment on anyone in a relationship, we want to convey that relationships are not all about morality, right or wrong, but the two people involved it.

“Nausicaa” : A Reading  

《瑙西卡》: 故事朗讀 

Stuart Chuang (NTU Grad Institute of Foreign Languages and Literatures)

莊沛華 (國立臺灣大學外國語文研究所)

Anchor 2

2022 Bloomsday: “Cyclops” Reflections 


Students from NTNU-Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism 

張宜庭、潘韋如、張綺庭、許敦翔、林廷倚  (臺師大歐洲文化與觀光研究)


在詹姆斯·喬伊斯《尤利⻄斯》出版約莫一百年之後,類似〈獨眼巨人〉的種 種衝突依舊仍在現今的世界各地持續上演,假設今天發生的地點在臺灣的話, 事情將會如何發展呢?就在某個陰雨綿綿的星期天下午,熙來攘往的臺北車站大廳,來自印尼的Melly與她的好姐妹Mello,正把握難得的休假,開心的與席地而坐的同鄉聚會,突然一個不注意,她們撞上路過的道地臺灣人阿彬與小玉,雙方對彼此的誤會與衝突油然而生......。


About a hundred years after the publication of James Joyce's Ulysses, conflicts like those presented in "Cyclops" can still be seen around the world today. Assuming the event takes place in today's Taiwan, how will the story unfold? On a rainy Sunday afternoon, Melly from Indonesia and her best friend Mello used their day off to attend a meetup event in the bustling Taipei Main Station hall with their fellow Indonesians. However, when they accidentally bumped into local Taiwanese A-Bin and Xiaoyu, who were passing by, misunderstanding and conflict built. . . 

Anchor 3
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